Folding Echoes at Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2018|Dance Base|Week 2
★★★★ “he performs much of this with irony, and, cleverly, we don’t always know which side of that line he has stepped over.“ --The Wee...

Folding Echoes at Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2018|Dance Base|Week 1
13-20/8/2018 Summer, Edinburgh, UK Back to UK for the first time after my study in London three years ago. Of course Edinburgh is not...

thoughts about freedom in dance
The question of what freedom is like in dancing, or our lives in general comes to me lately, quite a lot. How do we, as a performer,...

Collective research on a Thursday Night 31/5/2018
繼續關於對視覺記憶的重構歷程的探索。 以言語轉載,同時交錯著個體經驗。把單一身體經驗拆解,從視覺及聽覺同步的即時到延後的反應。在可想像的路線中穿插著碎片式的回憶。在語言的引導或干擾下身體的探索便成了一場心理攻防戰。 也許於我的實驗在於如何在身體的練習分享外多建構一重認知上的...

Joseph received Arts Development Award for Young Artist (Dance) 2017
獲得二零一七年度的藝術新秀獎(舞蹈)無法不感謝的是在旁邊獲藝術家年獎(舞蹈)的Pewan老師。 若果當年我在中七時編的舞在校際比賽時她沒有給我一個編舞獎,我不會到Passoverdance 新約舞流上課學跳舞;若果我沒有看到她編的《歸途》,我不會認為自己日後都可以站在台上...
Good News! Joseph got nominated for Emerging Choreographer in Hong Kong Dance Award 2018
Really honored to be nominated as Emerging Choreographer this year in the Dance Award, especially together with some great artists that I...

note 2
Practice the flow through spine, movement traveling through spine, ease of your hip joints and KNEE joints, keep them soft and available...
Note 1