(Photo: Steve Li @ June's Production)
Solo Dance Work
Creation 2016
Duration: 9 mins
Pardon...Pardon? 這個獨舞作品建基於人在使用言語溝通時無法超越的部份。作品起源自在倫敦唸書時對於陌生語言於自己的恐懼,縱然對方希望溝通的本意仍在,語言之間的隔閡卻無法讓雙方對話,卻裝作明白。
Pardon...Pardon? is a solo dance piece based on the idea of imperviousness of human communication with verbal language. It was inspired by the personal experience of inability to talk to people in a foreign city and the way that I chose to pretend that I was still in the scene.
Hence, this solo dance lingers on the line between "performance" and "being present", which creates a strong sense of frustration, urge, hesitation and doubt. And the process goes on and on in a circle to repeat itself, showing the repetitive nature of daily life routine and the frustration created.
*This performance is awarded the Chin Lin Foundation of Emerging Choreographer at World Dance Alliance Asia-Pacific Showcase 2016
Touring Schedule
Miyazaki Festival
Miyazaki, Japan
World Dance Alliance Asia-Pacific Showcase 2016
編舞及演出 Choreographer & Dancer:
李偉能 Joseph Lee
音樂 Music:
Aurora by Alva Noto & Ryuichi Sakamoto
燈光設計及執行 Lighting designer:
黎子瑜 Lai Tze Yu