Archiving bodies|Metro Arts Residency|2019|Brisbane
The process of learning how do I position myself in a creative process with other collaborators in the room. I've been thinking a lot...
2018 Winter Workshop
Such a precious chance to meet and work with a group of young talents from different backgrounds, but all with great generosity in...
Workshop for The World Was Once Flat
In order to further investigate the possibility of the research that I've been working on for The World Was Once Flat, as well as sharing...
phototropism 02
不加鎖舞踊館與法國勒拉佛爾諾曼第國立舞蹈中心開展了超過一年的研習和排練,與編舞家Emmanuelle Vo-dinh共同完成了去年對我們四位香港舞者而言一個非常重要的作品--《西門說》。無論過程又或是作品都為我們帶來了完全不同的視點和藝術高度,即使是演出後過了一年,當中還是...
BODY WORK --回溯身體記憶 10/4/2018
這是我在參與的其中一項計劃--為期四個月的駐場,於 流白之間 Blank Space Studio 和三位不同界別的藝術家進行實力和探索,期望在不同的藝術媒介當中反照到自身的盲點。在走到第三年的路上,不能說是迷失,但我知道要更把所謂劇場和舞蹈推得更遠,我們就不能原地踏步。...
phototropism 01
The story starts like this. //In 1880, Charles Darwin and his son Francis published a paper in which they described the bending of grass...
【Studio as a Playground vol.2】-- 身體的可讀性 readable context of our body
【Studio as a Playground vol.2】-- 身體的可讀性 readable context of our body 回顧去年十月的時候在台灣辦的第一個工作坊。於驫舞劇場駐場兩個星期,開展了新作品的第一個階段的探索並做了兩次公開的工作坊,以近來探索的...