it will come later|Sweden tour|2019

On the train back to Gothenburg from Stockholm. 3 Shows in Sweden done, one more to go.
It is after three months we met again in the space since the premier in Krakow. Coming back to Europe, re-visiting and re-working the piece, it will come later, that six of us in iCoDaCo made from last year felt like such a journey that we have been.
I think the most interesting, yet challenging thing about this project is to see how much each of us can stretch our limits towards our work, our practice, our way of communication, our aesthetic, both our physical and mental capacity, our availability, our sensation, our endurance. Even just recognizing where are those lines lie. "we push to build our border line, our territory..." as Weronika said in the work.
By being a collective, we push and be pushed at the same time, so that we know more about who we are. Of course, the idea of me is still fluid and malleable, so it's also a process of defining, re-defining, re-adjusting how we look at ourselves, constantly.
The old me dies at the moment it is defined.
it will come later became a pot where everyone put their efforts in to make it work. Whilst some are more impactful, some are less, and here comes the question of how to impose on the work without it becoming the trip for individual ego. Where are the rooms for our efforts to co-exist in the work, or are these rooms actually unrealistic in such context? It doesn't seem to be answered with this work, but the work is surely growing in each space, in each time. Acknowledging the struggles from within is the only thing to keep it alive, and the only way to find my value in it.
26th March, Säter, Folkets Hus 28th, 29th March, Stockholm, Dansmuseet 1st April, Gothenburg, Stora Teater

photo: David Royce, Gwyn Emberton