【Studio as a Playground vol.2】-- 身體的可讀性 readable context of our body
【Studio as a Playground vol.2】-- 身體的可讀性 readable context of our body 回顧去年十月的時候在台灣辦的第一個工作坊。於驫舞劇場駐場兩個星期,開展了新作品的第一個階段的探索並做了兩次公開的工作坊,以近來探索的...
Marketing Seminar at where it all began
It was my pleasure to be invited by Professor Kenneth Lee to have a talk in the marketing seminar in CUHK, the university I was in. It...
Good News! Joseph got nominated for Emerging Choreographer in Hong Kong Dance Award 2018
Really honored to be nominated as Emerging Choreographer this year in the Dance Award, especially together with some great artists that I...
Artists-in-Residence Project 2018
I don't usually teach now, yet, this project really got my fire in education in many sense. It was not an easy project to begin with -- 3...